Julien Verget


Surname / Name: Verget Julien, Technician.

Email: julien.verget@inserm.fr


Career history.

Julien graduated in 2012 with a Master Erasmus Mundus ASC (Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry). Then, he spent 4 years in Scotland where he had different work experiences. One of them was to work within the research group of Prof. Steven P. Nolan in the University of St Andrews.


Since 2017, Julien is working as a technician in the “ChemBioPharm” team of the INSERM U1212/ UMR 5320 CNRS.




2010-2012: Master Erasmus Mundus ASC (Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry); University of Leipzig (Germany) and Jagiellonian University of Krakow (Poland)


2008-2009: Professional Licence AGRIVANA (equivalent to a BSc.); ENSIACET (Engineer school of chemistry and technology), Toulouse (France)


2006-2008: DUT (equivalent to a HND) in chemistry; University of technology in chemistry, Sète (France)



Permanent ChemBioPharm Members